The mystery of the two 13th Amendments

Question submitted by FreedomIsAbsolute on Tue, 04/03/2012 – 02:04. Permalink

I have another question if you don’t mind, and was wondering if you had any clue as to whether this is a falsehood or not. Upon researching, I came across multiple sources regarding the 13th original Amendment (nothing to do with the abolition of slavery.) Upon looking at these sources, it appears that the original 13th Amendment has been buried and is no longer recognized. It was supposedly ratified by the original 13 states between 1812-1819. The supposed Original 13th Amendment reads as follows: “If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

My question is this: is this true? And if so, what are the ramifications of hiding such an Amendment, and is a process/will a process be in place (if not when will it be) of bringing this to light and re-established by any duly elected/appointed officials such as people belonging to the Judicial Branch, or legislative branch, and if this Amendment really does exist and is buried but not being brought to light, why? A few of the sources that I have come across to this matter is:

Also, I was wondering if you knew what the acronym B.A.R. stands for as in “A lawyer cannot recieve his/her license untill he/she passes the BAR.”


I assume that the table shown below at is accurate. And I also presume that the image of Roane’s and Coalter’s 1819 compilation of Virginia laws, including the original 13th (, is also accurate. Roane was an exacting judge who wouldn’t publish the original 13th as law unless he were sure that it had been ratified.

Therefore, on the original 13th Amendment (as opposed to the subsequent 13th), I answer that it appears that by sometime in 1819, the amendment had been ratified by 13 of the first 17 states (ending with Ohio).

Here is a part of the evidence

“Authorized by an act of the Virginia General Assembly (February 15, 1817), the complete revision of the State’s laws were entrusted to five of Virginia’s most prominent lawyers and legal scholars: William Brockenbrough, Benjamin Watkins Leigh, Robert White, and judges of the supreme court of appeals, Spencer Roane and John Coalter. When their work was concluded, the Virginia General Assembly voted on March 12, 1819 to publish the Revised Code of the Laws of Virginia with both the Constitution of Virginia and the Constitution of the United States including the Thirteenth Amendment intact and in its proper place. Thus, the vote of Virginia was accomplished and the amendment was ratified.”

(Above image is the title page of Roane’s compilation. Just below  is the page showing the original 13th Amendment.)

And here is the chart showing the ratifications. When one gets down the list to Ohio, one sees the necessary 13th state for ratification (3/4s of 17 =

Titles of Nobility and Honour Thirteenth Amendment
Ratification and Publication Table

This is a compilation of data known to date, from researching the various archives for official publications. There are undoubtably more publications which are undiscovered. To view the latest researched data and images of official publications found visit the TONA Research Committee Site

Any Research or Information to help fill in the blanks will be greatly appreciated.




Ratified or

Ratification Date

Pre 1820
Official Publ.

Post 1820
Official Publ.

Delaware Dec. 7, 1787 1 Yes Rat. Feb. 2, 1811
Pennsylvania Dec. 12, 1787 2 Yes Rat. Feb. 6, 1811 1818 1824,1831
New Jersey Dec. 18, 1787 3 Yes Rat. Feb. 13, 1811
Georgia Jan. 2, 1788 4 Yes Rat. Nov. 22, 1811 1819 1822,1837,1846
Connecticut Jan. 9, 1788 5 Yes Rej. May 11,1813 1821,1824,1835,
Massachusetts Feb. 6, 1788 6 Yes Rat. Feb. 27, 1812 1816 1823
Maryland Apr. 28, 1788 7 Yes Rat. Dec. 25, 1810
South Carolina May 23, 1788 8 Tabled Dec. 21, 1814
New Hampshire June 21, 1788 9 Yes Rat. Dec. 10, 1812
Virginia June 25, 1788 10 Yes Rat. Mar. 12, 1819 1819
New York Feb. 6, 1788 11 Rejected Rej. May 1, 1813
North Carolina Nov. 21, 1789 12 Yes Rat. Dec. 23, 1811 1819 1828
Rhode Island May 29, 1790 13 Yes Rej. Sep. 15, 1814. 1822
Vermont Mar. 4, 1791 14 Yes Rat. Oct. 24, 1811
Kentucky June 1, 1792 15 Yes Rat. Jan. 31, 1811 1822
Tennessee June 1, 1796 16 Yes Rat. Nov. 21, 1811
Ohio March 1, 1803 17 Yes Rat. Jan. 31, 1811 1819 1824,1831,1833,
Louisiana Apr. 30, 1812 18 Yes 1825,1838
Indiana Dec. 11, 1816 19 Yes 1824,1831,1838
Mississippi Dec. 10, 1817 20 Yes 1823,1824,1839
Illinois Dec. 3, 1818 21 Yes 1823,1825,1827,
Alabama Dec. 14, 1819 22 Not Known
Maine Mar.15, 1820 23 Yes The 1825 Constitutions of Maine and the US is the rediscovery document found by Dodge and Dunn in 1983 1825,1831
Missouri Aug. 10, 1821 24 Yes 1825,1835,1840,
Arkansas June 15, 1836 25 Not Known
Michigan Jan. 26, 1837 26 Yes Terr. Publication
Florida Mar. 3, 1845 27 Yes Terr. Publication
Texas Dec. 29, 1845 28 Not Known
Iowa Dec. 28, 1846 29 Yes Terr. Publication
Wisconsin May 29, 1848 30 Yes N.W. Terr. Publ.
California Sep. 9, 1850 31 Not Known
Minnesota May 11, 1858 32 Yes N.W. Terr. Publ.
Oregon Feb. 14, 1859 33 Not Known
Kansas Jan. 29, 1861 34 Yes 1855,1861,1862,
West Virginia June 20, 1863 35 Yes Va. Publ. 1819
Nevada Oct. 31, 1864 36 Not Known
Nebraska Mar. 1, 1867 37 Yes Terr. Publ.1855,
State Publ.1873
Colorado Aug. 1, 1876 38 Yes Terr. Publ.1861,
1866,1867, 1868
North Dakota Nov. 2, 1889 39 Yes Terr. Publication
South Dakota Nov. 2, 1889 40 Yes Terr. Publication
Montana Nov. 8, 1889 41 Not Known
Washington Nov. 11, 1889 42 Not Known
Idaho July 3, 1890 43 Not Known
Wyoming July 10, 1890 44 Yes Terr. Publication
Published in: on April 3, 2012 at 2:24 pm  Leave a Comment  

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